Show Skiing
Published: August 11, 2007
Show skiing takes water skiing to a whole other level. It transforms it from a one-man act into a team show. It is all about combining death-defying feats of brute strength with beautiful displays of grace and elegance. There is no greater thrill than teaming up with a group of other waterskiing enthusiasts to perform a show to the delight of hundreds of spectators.
If you have never seen a ski show, check the internet for a club performing near you. Ski shows are an awesome experience for the whole family. They offer great entertainment and great fun.
I have been a part of the Lake Panorama Ski Team in Panora, Iowa for about the past ten years. We practice every Thursday from May until August. And ski team season is something I look forward to all winter. My whole family participates and it is a great bonding experience.
Our team consists of several whole families. There are kids as young as five and adults well into their fifties. It is never to late to take up show skiing. My dad didn't join the team until he was almost fifty.
In my years on the team, I have been involved in nearly every act including: saucers, kneeboards, wakeboards, slalom skiing, trick skis, doubles, strap doubles, trios, and pyramids. Not to mention pioneered new acts, stretching the boundaries of waterskiing.
Whether you are interested in learning how to build pyramids, how to dockslide, or how to drop skis, I'm here to impart my experience to you. Hopefully reading show skiing will inspire you to seek out a ski team in your area to join. Or to start your own team at a local lake.
The first thing you will need to learn about is how to do a dock start.
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