Water Skiing Basics
Steering on Two Skis
Published: June 14, 2007
Now that you can get up on two skis and stay up on two skis, you're ready to learn how to turn. Turning is also known as cutting and carving in skiing. After this article, you should be cutting across the wakes like a madman (or woman depending on your gender).
Cutting on two skis is accomplished by shifting your weight more onto one foot than the other. Many beginning skiers try to turn by swiveling at the hip to point their skis in a different direction. This is an exercise in frivolity. It's all about shifting your weight.
Putting more weight on your right ski will cause you to cut right and putting more weight on your left foot will cause you to cut left.
So practice a little bit cutting to the left and to the right inside the wake.
When you feel comfortable enough, you can try to go outside the wake. Some new skiers are intimidated by the wake, and this is what leads to their downfall. In order to conquer the wake, you need to decide to go all or nothing.
If you chicken out halfway through, you end up with one foot on the inside of the wake and your other foot on the outside of the wake, leading you into a cataclysmic position and ultimately to a demise in the form of the splits.
So attack the wake. Cut at it hard.
Coming back over the wake it is even more important to commit. I have seen many new skiers make it outside the wake fine only to be caught with one leg out one leg in on the way back. Don't be afraid, cut hard.
With a bit of practice you'll be mobile on your skis. You are now ready to move on to slalom skiing, read on and learn how to get up on a slalom ski!
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